The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
lasterina stylasteridae flora agavaceae amaryllidaceae apocynaceae araliaceae second schedule, contd. tubiporidae spp. (fossils are not subject to the provisions of the convention). antipatharia spp. scleractinia spp. . (fossils are not sub- ject
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provision) ( Saint Catherine Lamp Project Area 1 ) ( Part of Mount Olive) Order, 2011
laster eeny tha secrelary soin cotherine parish counc cyranabrown; perch! me cormach; noboth area 1 42a12ri 046 pb sars; norman lindsay; harold asbisy; palmar; dens asiey;aemond reid lropold limes; w. jedde :georpe doles, | ft xe mm wo © 0 " #00 oo feet