lateral/bilateral programme
19_2005- The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme (s) 137,000.0 1510 jamaicalnformationservice ~~ 167,800 ~~ 239280 1600 office of the cabinet 5239700 1600a office of the cabinet, capital 3228000 1600b office of the cabinet, capital, multilateral/bilateral ) programme (s)
19_2005- The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme (s) 552,370.0 police department 9,500,000.0 department of correctional services 2332,353.0 ministry of justice 476,600.0 ministry of justice, capital 50,000.0 ministry of justice, capital, multilateral/bilateral programme (
5 of 2021- The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) jamaica information service registrar general?s department and island records office office of the cabinet management institute for national development ministry of tourism carried forward [no. ] (sections 2 and 3
5 of 2021- The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) police department department of correctional services passport, immigration and citizenship agency institute of forensic science and legal medicine ministry of justice ministry of justice, capital, multilateral/bilater
5 of 2021- The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) child protection and family services agency ministry of health and wellness ministry of health and wellness capital, multilateral/bilateral programme(s) bellevue hospital government chemist ministry of culture, gender,
5 of 2021- The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) total no. ] column ii column iii sums appropriations- granted in-aid $000 $000 493818,869.0 23,782,882.0 349,697.0 604,026.0 6,010,587.0 772,878.0 313,503.0 2,234,490.0 724463.0 11,496,748.0 437,731.0 14,163,177.0 3,2
08_2018-The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) 472,613.0 56039 post and telecommunications department 1,934,004.0 754,263.0 68000 ministry of transport and mining 8,705,296.0 314,377.0 68000a ministry of transport and mining, capital 771.0 carried forward 443,900,
08_2018-The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) total 124,963.0 454,772,912.0 appropriations- in-aid $000 29,723.835.0 2,405,820.0 32,129,655.0 passed in the house of representatives this 21st day of march, 2018. pearnel p. charles, cd, mp, jp passed in t
4_2022-The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) jamaica information service registrar-general?s department and island records office office of the cabinet management institute for national development ministry of tourism carried forward [no. ] (sections 2 a
4_2022-The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) forestry department national land agency national environment and planning agency national works agency ministry of finance and the public service ministry of finance and the public service, capital, multilateral/bilate
12 of 2016 - The Approriations Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) management institute for national development ministry of tourism carried forward sums appropriations- granted in-aid $'000 $'000 73,701.0 816,890.0 81,018.0 267,062.0 6,050.0 527,260.0 10,000.0 189,845.0 129,078.0 33
12 of 2016 - The Approriations Act
lateral/bilateral programmes) 1,519,730.0 registrar general?s department and island records office ? bellevue hospital 1,345,371.0 government chemist 34,056.0 ministry of culture, gender, entertainment and sport 2,361,637.0 ministry of culture, gender,
6 of 2015 - The Appropriation Act
lateral/bilateral programme(s) 1,153,653.0 registrar general's department and island record office bellevue hospital 1,261,919.0 government chemist 32,231.0 ministry of youth and culture 2,067,666.0 ministry of youth and culture, capital, multilateral