letters patent
The Patent Act
letters patent in record office. form, date, issue and renewal of letters patent form of letters patent. memorandum of identity of specification. date of patent. antedated patent. limitation of time for issuing patent. patent may issue to executors.
The Patent Act
letters patent issued under this act, sealed ana bearing date as of any day prior to the day of the actual sealing thereof, shall be of the same force and validity as if they had been sealed on the day as of which the same are expressed to be sealed and b
The Patent Act
letters patent granted to any person under and in pursuance of this act, shall secure to the patentee the sole right and privilege during the term limited therein of making, using, exercising and vending, the said invention within this island, so that, du
The Patent Act
letters patent issued under this act, his executors, administrators, or assigns, may assign and transfer the whole or any part of his right, title, and interest in the said invention and discovery in the letters patent to him granted to any person whomsoe
The Patent Act
letters patent shall have no force or effect until they together with the said specification have been duly recorded in the record office of our said island: and to the ends aforesaid, we have caused these gur letters patent to be sealed with the broad se