The Companies Act
licence authorize bethel united church of jesus christ (apostolic) limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated this 21st day of february, 2000. phillip paulwell, minist
The Companies Act
licence authorize bethel united church of jesus christ (apostolic) limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisiing of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated this 21st day of february, 2000. phillip paulwell, minist
The Companies Act
licence authorize bethel united church of jesus christ (apostolic) limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated this 21st day of february, 2000. puillip paulwell, minist
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
licence no. 24. date of licence ?section d lien holder ( s) 25. 1st lien-holder's name 26. 2nd llen-holder's name 27. lien-hoider's adress 28.lien-holder's address 20. lien amount 30. date of lien 31. lien amount 32, date of lien se
The Telecommunications (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
licence pursuant to sections 13 and 78(2)(c)(iv) of the telecommunications act, the minister hereby bianes t0..c.ieiiieiieiiecci cece the following international voice service provider licence? short title 1. this licence may be cited as "the internati
Licence - Pryce Computer Education Foundation
licence assembly of nation in christ limited which was duly registered on the 1st october, 2001, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 20 of the companies act
Licence - Assembly of Nation in Christ Limited
licence assembly of nation in christ limited which was duly registered on the 1st october, 2001, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 20 of the companies act
Licence - The Returned Residents of Mandeville Limited
licence the returned residents association of mandeville limited which was duly registered on the 15th march, 1995, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 20 o
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Spirit Licence Duties and Fees) Order, 2002
licence act provision of first schedule paragraph | (a) paragraph 2 (a) paragraph 4 @ paragraph 5 (a) paragraph 6 (a) paragraph 7 (a) paragraph 8 (a) amendments delete the numerals "7,500" and substitute therefor the numerals "15,000". delete the n
Licence (The Savanna-la-Mar Arts Movement Limited)
licence authori-e fish & loaves prayer & intercessory network ministry limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 18th day of february, 2003. phillip
Licence (Eternity Ministries (Pentecostal) Limited)
licence authori-e fish & loaves prayer & intercessory network ministry limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 18th day of february, 2003. phillip
Licence-Association of Caribbean Economists Company Limited
licence authorize association of caribbean economists company limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 12th day of june, 2003. phillip paulwell, min
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Spirit Licence Duties and Fees) Order,2003.
licence act provision of first schedule amendments paragraph | (a) delete the numerals "7.500" and substitute therefor the numerals "15,000". paragraph 2 (a) delete the numerals "1,600" and substitute therefor the numerals "3,500". paragraph 4 (a) de
Corrigendum-The Road Traffic Act (Licence Duties) Order.
licence duties) order. 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 12 (2) of the road traffic act, the following order is hereby made: ? i. this order may be cited as the road traffic (licence duties) order. 2003. 2. on and aft
Corrigendum-The Road Traffic Act (Licence Duties) Order.
licence duties set out in the first schedule to the road traffic act shall be amended accordingly. 3.?(1) a person holding an existing licence on the day on which the order comes into operation shall be credited in respect of the remaining period of the