The Housing Scheme part of Curatoe Hill now called Mineral Heights Clarendon (Housing Area) Order, 2001
lindsay ef al and being the lot numbered 1014, partly on lands contained in the certificate of title registered at volume 1273 folio 997 in the name of loleta sinclair and being the lot numbered 1015, and partly on lands contained in the certificate of ti
The Housing Scheme Part Of Railway Lane/Barracks Road, Saint James Slum Clearance, (Housing Area) Order,2003.
lindo est., then westerly on little king street, then southerly on 5 little king street registered at volume 387 folio 77 in the name of edith taylor et al then westerly on lands at collie smith drive registered at volume 390 folio 18 in the name of the c
The Housing Scheme Part Of Denham Town, Kingston Slum Clearance, (Housing Area) Order,2003.
lindo est., then westerly on little king street, then southerly on 5 little king street registered at volume 387 folio 77 in the name of edith taylor et al then westerly on lands at collie smith drive registered at volume 390 folio 18 in the name of the c
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
lind carps, placesok catostomidae chasmistes cujus cui-ui siluriformes pangasiidae pangasianodon gigas pangasid catfish perciformes sciaenidae totoaba macdonaldi totoaba sarcopterygii lungfishes coelacanthiformes latimeriidae latimeria spp. coelacanths ar
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
linderalla unio nickliniana unio tampicoensis tecomatensis villosa trabalis achatinella spp. agave arizonica agave parviflora nolina interrata pachypodium ambongense pachypodium baronii pachypodium decaryi araucaria araucana ariocarpus spp. astrophyt
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
lind carps, placesok pipefishes, sea horses lung fishes australian lung fish spiders scorpions red-kneed tarantulas tarantulas insects birdwing butterfli swallowtail butter
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lindsay of 2 oxford road, 2nd floor, ncb towers, kingston 5, attorney-at-law; stacia pinnock of 12 ocean boulevard, attomey-at-law; charles randle of moneague p.o. st. ann, retired; and derrick white of 3 lakehurst drive, kingston 8, businessman, such of
The Housing Scheme part of Curatoe Hill in the Parish of Clarendon (Housing Area) Order, 2006
lindo and registered at volume 1151 folio 830 of the register book of titles, lands in the possession of clarence wright and registered at volume 1201 folio 157 of the register book of titles, lands in the possession of michelle nicholson and registered a
The Housing Scheme part of White Hall 3, situate in the Parish of Westmoreland, (Housing Area) Order, 2006
lindsay. on the west of the property is bounded by land occupied by the ministry of housing. and with measurements thus; commencing at the parochial road where phase two and phase three of part of the land contained in the certificate of title, register
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lindsay of 7 belmont road, kingston 5, attorney-ai-law; stacia pinnock of 9 king street, attomey-at-law; charles randle of moneague p.o., st. ann, retired; and derrick white of 3 lakehurst drive, kingston 8, businessman, such of our functions under the be
The Deportation (Winston George Graham o/c Linden Winston George Graham) Order, 2007
linden winston george graham) order, 2007 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 15 (6) (d) of the aliens act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited as the deportation (winston george graham o/c linden
The Deportation (Commonwealth Citizens) (Linda Mason) Order, 2007
linda mason) order, 2007 in exercise of the power conferred on me under section 3 of the deportation (commonwealth citizens) act, and every other power hereunto enabling, i, the minister, do hereby order that linda mason, an immigrant commonwealth citize
The Aliens (Special Restrictions) (Winston George Graham o/c Linden Winston George Graham) Order, 2007
linden winston george graham) order, 2007 whereas pursuant to section 15(6) (d) of the aliens act, the deportation (winston george graham o/c linden winston george graham) order, 2007, was made on the 6th day of july, 2007, and published in the gazette o
The Aliens (Special Restrictions) (Winston George Graham o/c Linden Winston George Graham) Order, 2007
linden winston george graham) order, 2007. 2. in this order, ?the alien? means the national of the united states of america, known as winston george graham, otherwise called linden winston george graham, 3. the alien shall report to the central police s
The Aliens (Special Restrictions) (Winston George Graham o/c Linden Winston George Graham) Order, 2007
linden winston george graham) order, 2007 whereas pursuant to section 15(6) (d) of the aliens act, the deportation (winston george graham o/c linden winston george graham) order, 2007, was made on the 6th day of july, 2007, and published in the gazette o