l.n. 42/1995
The Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Special Provisions) Act - Companies and Associations
l.n. 42/1995] sthedule.
The Copyright Act - Culture and Heritage
l.n. 42/1995] 89 licences to which sec- tions 96 to 99 apply.
The Copyright Act - Culture and Heritage
l.n. 42/1995] 103 recordings for super- vision and control of pro- gramuines. recording of broad- : cast or cable pro- gramme for archival purposes. order ex- cepting acts {from in- fringing right under this part.
The Copyright Act - Culture and Heritage
l.n. 42/1995] 115 powers of members of consta- bulary force.
The Police Public Complaints Act
l.n. 42/1995] 21 rules. mittees. funds and resources, accounts and audit.
The Private Security Regulation Authority Act - Defence and National Security
l.n. 42/1995] third schedule. registra- tion.