l.n. 480/1973
The Agricultural Marketing Act - Agriculture
l.n. 480/1973] powers of minister in relation to report.
The Banana Board Act - Agriculture
l.n. 480/1973] functions of board. 16/1965 . 2. general wers of oard.
The Coconut Industry Control Act - Agriculture
l.n. 480/1973) retirement of members.
The Decimal Currency Act - Finance and Banking
l.n. 480/1973] demone- tization of existing currency.
The Decimal Currency Act - Finance and Banking
l.n. 480/1973] board. funds of board. 13
The Facilities for Title Act - Real Estate
l.n. 480/1973] offences. 39/1957 s. 4. 19
The Judicature (Supreme Court) Additional Powers of Registrar Act - Courts and Judiciary
l.n. 480/1973]