local industries
The Local Industries (Safeguarding) Act
local industries (safeguarding) the local industries (safeguarding) cap. 220. act 4 of 1954. (20th june, 1935] ?ad sem 1. this act may be cited as the local industries (safe- shorttite. guarding) act. © 2. in this act? : interpreta- ?factory? means an
The Local Industries (Safeguarding) Act
local industries (safeguarding) first schedule cornmeal. wholemeal. condensed milk, sweetened and unsweetened. powdered and skimmed milk. reconstituted milk. second schedule form of application application to erect a factory or to manufacture purs
The Local Industries (Safeguarding) Act
local industries (safeguarding) the local industries (safeguarding) act ?regulations (under section 7) the local industries (safeguarding) regulations, 1966 (made by the minister on the 10th day of june, 1966) 1. these regulations may be cited as the