The Housing Scheme part of Meuse, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2001
loman greenwood, thence south-westerly along the south-eastern boundary of the same land belonging to soloman greenwood for a distance of 177 metres to a point of intersection of the north-eastern boundary of land belonging to william russel, then south-e
The Housing Scheme part of Ragsville, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2001
loman greenwood, thence south-westerly along the south-eastern boundary of the same land belonging to soloman greenwood for a distance of 177 metres to a point of intersection of the north-eastern boundary of land belonging to william russel, then south-e
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licences) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
loma; bp-bald-pate; pd?pea dove weather: s ? sunny; o - overcast; r ? rainy; vegetation type: man - mangrove; cw ~ coastal woodland; iw ~ inland woodland; fld ~ field (sugar, rice, corn, sorghum, peanut). dated this 24th day of july, 2002. m. l. weise
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
loma elegans rhamnaceae buckthorn reynosia jamaicensis rhamnidium dictyophyllum rhizophoraceae cassipourea brittoniana cassipourea subcordata cassipourea subsessilis rubiaceae madder acrosynanthus jamaicensis antirhea tomentosa exostema orbiculatum
The Aliens (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations,2004.
loma eer arr + eee / registro de salida deparuce no. froase rota depanure iecird sor presentation upon departure | 48 for tovdr quae a fais dn rukia para prisentanc en | 123456 7 - al momento ge sy parbda 16 family narme 7 apetido bdo la lll 1 41) ld
The Wild Life Protection ( Hunters' Return) ( Amendment) Regulations, 2005
loma; bp bald-pate: pd-pea dove weather. s-sunny. oo overcast: = r-ramy vegetation type: man mangrove; cw-coastal woodland: tw- inland woodland; fld field (sugar. rice. corn. sorghum. peanut)
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2008
lomatic immunities and privileges endangered species (protection, conservation and regulation of trade) financial institutions financial services commission industrial and provident societies irrigation jamaican nationality jamaica racing commissio
The Shipping ( Load Lines) Regulation, 2011
loma. 2.8(&+10) | 3 ? amidshles _______ 0 1 forward half |amidships ~~ | 0 : yl tomer. b.6(%+ 10) 3 el irom f.p, 22.2(&+10) | 3 forward perpendicular) 50(&+ 10) | 1 measurement of variation from standard sheer profile (9). where the sheer profile dif
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Stanbury Grove, Parish of Saint Catherine) Oder, 2013
lomatho thaormpsen est. matida richards $ c/o oniel dovis sligoville f.q ; . 3 = stanbury est richoras 4 grove sa , c/o lomatha thompson ff marks ore lp.s so tierwise stoted whe ra 0s 0 10 20 jo 490 30 a » 20 9 100 metres l 1 1 3 1 i de 4 i 1 i l j coa 1
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Heathfield Known as Cambria, Also known as Spring Vale, Saint Catherine) Order, 2015
loman gazader (awn.) merceline gazader (occ.) linstead p.o. d # ds 3 3 8 / tl 3 q% fronk gazader (own.) iy 3 merceline gazader (occ.) 8 q 8? linstead p.o. 3 j 3 2 ¥ © & g heathfifld known as cambria ¢ 1 g 1 e i 20 1 x j 40 1 so matras ?t 1 t { 1 1 1 i 1 i
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Comfort, Manchester) Order, 2015
lomafleld p.o. williamafleld p.o, of manchester 1,127.771 square c¢ 0 m f 0 r t ! 10 0 1020 3 40 060 70 bf) 90 100 metres scale lem=10m, rf 1: 1000 cog i all marks are |.p.s. unless otherwise stated. memorandum rs l cls £5 parish arba ib lcolber
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Environmental Protection Levy) Order, 2015
lomatic immunities and privileges act. exemptions 11. goods imported by persons specifi ed hereunder shall he exempt from + in relation to. the le name -_ imported vy, y goods. -. (a) .aministry or department of government; (by the producers of bauxite an
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order, 2015
loma elegans schizaea elegans schizaea fluminensis schizaea poeppigiana selaginella leonardii selaginella pallescens thelypteris abrupta thelypteris basiattenuata thelypteris bibrachiata thelypteris decrescens thelypreris firma thelypteris gracilenta th
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Brighton, St. Elizabeth) Order, 2015
loma stewart 213415032 ~ sp 1162m2 bg seaton morgan er 2046m? » 3 wo > %0 ¢ _ 62 3 v 113415036 - i 5 milverton stewart 1084m? ) 3 - 5 113415033 dwight brown & 1945m2 - £ x s54 ~ 6 rovers, &£ 39 roag ~ § ez ~ a ee fi a ? block 34 sheet 151 ? amr ci l