lotteries commission
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commision
lotteries commission whereas it is provided in subsection (1) of section 11 of the betting, gaming and lotteries act that the betting, gaming and lotteries commission may delegate to any person any of the functions exercisable by the commission by virtue
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commision
lotteries commission hereby delegates to garth mcbean of 48 duke street. kingston. attorney-at-law; aurelio levers of 80 east street, kingston, trade and management consultant; roy dyke of innswood heights, apartment 1, old stony hill road, kingston 9, ac
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commision
lotteries commission and its common seal hereunto duly affixed and authenticated by: glen cruickshank, chairman. and samuel smith, commissioner / company secretary, betting, gaming and lotteries commission. in the presence of: m. richardson, witness. no
Intrument of Delegation of Certain Funtions of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission whereas it is provided in subsection (1) of section 11 of the betting, gaming and lotteries act that the betting, gaming and lotteries commission may delegate to any person any of the functions exercisable by the commission by virtue
Intrument of Delegation of Certain Funtions of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission hereby delegates to garth mcbean of 48 duke street, kingston, attorney-at-law roy dyke of inswood heights, apartment no. 1, old stony hill road, kingston 9, accounts collector; annette francis of 72 harbour street, attorney-at-law; co
Intrument of Delegation of Certain Funtions of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission by: walter h. scott, chairman of the commission. paul davis, member. dorothy miller, member. llascelles perry, member. lorna green, member. clive nicholas, member. hugh reid, member.
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission whereas it is provided in subsection (1) of section 11 of the betting, gaming and lotteries act that the betting, gaming and lotteries commission may delegate to any person any of the functions exercisable by the commission by virtue
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission hereby delegates to garth mcbean of 2 seymour avenue, kingston 6, attorney-at-law; paul lai of 30 national heroes circle, kingston 4, deputy financial secretary?taxation; annaliesa lindsay of 2 oxford road, 2nd floor, ncb towers, king
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission and its common seal hereunto duly affixed and authenticated by: walter h. scott chairman of the commission. monique s. harrison-beckford secretary to the betting, gaming and lotteries commission. ® no. 2/4/6
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission whereas it 1s provided in subsection (1) of section 11 of the betting, gaming and lotteries act that the betting, gaming and lotteries commission may delegate to any person any of the functions exercisable by the commission by virtue
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission hereby delegates to garth mcbean of 2 seymour avenue, kingston 6, attomey-at-law; paul lai of 30 national heroes circle, kingston 4, deputy financial secretary? taxation; annaliesa lindsay of 7 belmont road, kingston 5, attorney-ai-la
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
lotteries commission and its common seal hereunto duly affixed and authenticated by: peter melhado chairman of the commission. derek a. peart secretary to betting, gaming and lotteries commission. no. 2/4/6