l.s. no. 2/2000?no. 3/2000). the constitution " jamaica, to prorogue parliament published in the jamaica gazette supplement (proc- lamations, rules and regulations, vol. cxxiii, no. 16, dated thursday, march 9, 1999, on page 81, the date ?thursday, march
l.s. ?no. 2/2000?no. 3/2000). the constitution jamaica, to prorogue parliament published in the jamaica gazette supplement (proc- lamations, rules and regulations, vol. cxxiii, no. 16, dated thursday, march 9, 1999, on page 81, the date ?thursday, march
The Child Diversion Act 2018 - Children
l.s.] rw) governor-genercl. re sev of fugust rous [¥ 7 = an act to facilitate the implementation of child diversion in the criminal justice system; and for connected matters. [ : bad. ly a ] deine ved sol pato onitee0n be it enacted by the que
The Jamaica Marine Institute (Change of Name and Amendment) Act
l.s.] h. f. cooke, governor-general. 14th day of february, 2001. an act to amend the jamaica maritime institute act so as to change the name of the act and of the jamaica maritime institute established thereunder and to provide for matters connected t
The Parish Councils (Amendment) Act
l.s.] h. f. cooke, governor-general. 28th day of may, 2001. an act to amend the parish councils act. [may 29, 2001 1 be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of
16_2001-The Offensive Weapons (Prohibition) Act
l.s.) h. f. cooke, governor-general, 18th day of june, 2001. an act to prohibit the carrying of offensive weapons in public places, and for connected purposes. { june 19, 2001 ] be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advic
The National Solid Waste Management Act
l.s.] howard f. cooke, governor-general 20th day of december, 2001 an act to provide for the regulation and management of solid waste, to establish a body to be called the national solid waste management authority and for matters connected therewith or
The Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica Act
l.s.] h. f. cooke, governor-general. 28th day of december, 2001. an act to establish the council of community colleges of jamaica and for connected matters. { 28th december, 2002 1 be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the ad
1_2005- The Offences Against the Person (Amendment) Act
l.s.] h. f. cooke, governor-general. 17th day of february, 2005. an act to amend the offences against the person act. [18th february, 2005 | be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house
13_2005- The Nurses and Midwives (Amendment) Act
l.s.] (s54) vbe cook ~governor- general. fp ( ry 2009 an act to amend the nurses and midwives act. [ ipa ( & 2005 ] be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of
19_2005- The Appropriation Act
l.s.] h. f. cooke, governor-general. 18th day of may, 2005. an act to apply a sum out of the consolidated fund to the service of the year ending on the 31st day of march, 2006 and to appropriate the sums granted in this session of parliament. [ ist ap
20_2005-The Road Traffic (Amendment) Act
l.s.] w. m. gordon, deputy governor-general. 9th day of june, 2005. an act to amend the road traffic act. [ 10th june, 2005 | be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representa
3 of 2021 - The Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act
l.s.] governor-general, 29 coy = te bris dor j © 7 an act to amend the dangerous drugs act. [82 februany dor be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaica,
4 of 2021 - The Independent Fiscal Commission Act(Autosaved)
l.s.] sad p l flew j governor-general. i dav march 2027 gv an act to establish an independent fiscal commission to promote sound fiscal policy and fiscal management in an effort to sustain fiscal discipline. the date notified by the um [ bring