The Gun Court (Appointment of Place of Sitting) Order, 2004
lucca) february 23 june 7 november 1 trelawny (duncans) february 23 june 7 november 1 st. elizabeth {black river) marc! ® june 28 november 15 st. mary (port maria) march 8 june 28 november 15 portland (port antonio) march § june 28 november 15 st. thomas
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
lucca) february 14 may 24 october 31 trelawny (duncans) february 14 may 24 october 31 st. elizabeth {black river) february 28 june 13 november 14 st. mary (port maria) february 28 june 13 november 14 portland (port antonio) february 28 june 13 novembe