luna p.o.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Luna in the Parish of Saint Mary) Order, 2015
luna p.o. border district st. mary 2 2% joseph thompson 5° of luna p.o. s 0 sd border district £ 10 st. mary & joseph thompson 3 o luna p.o. 3 a border district sw a st. mary @% ? e 33 © 3% luna \ eu s o, all marks are iron pegs unless otherwise stated. ®
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Luna in the parish of Saint Mary) Order, No. 0263/2019
luna p.o. eg cassandra notice? : 1 noz-25e 15.178 derive 5 | qorder dire o n 14-57 ww 11.844 luna p.o. . 7 n 02-50 £ 4626 soar ied n 24-04 £ 13.663 s 64-30 £ 14.075 s81-13? 10070 s 36-02 w 39.047 n 81-12 w 2314 1 elijah danvers | *%0 luna p.o. ? bord