The Highway 2000 ( North-South Link) Toll ( Amendment) ( No. 2) Order, 2016
lydford 27.17 $560 | $1120 | $1680 | $280 linstead to ocho rios 39.87 $820 | $1645 | $2465 | $410 (mammee bay) table e unity valley to ocho rios (mammee bay) to and from unity valley/ocho rios (mammee bay) unity valley to lydford unity valley to oc
The Highway 2000 ( North-South Link) Toll ( Amendment) Order, 2017
lydford 27.17 $585 | 81175 | $1760 | $295 linstead to ocho rios 39.87 $860 | $1720 | $2580 | $430 (mammee bay) table e unity valley to ocho rios (mammee bay) to and from distance toll payable unity valley/ocho rios (km) one way (mammee bay) according to
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Steerfield in the parish of St. Ann) Order, 2018
lydford p.o. 63-18 | n 1218w | 5318 pe 5¢ ?om er. f269694 ~ everton ennis & sondra hinds lydford p.o. rr wr ex. f269695 2 ts 5 § _ ex. f269693 § dave mitchell lydford p.o. stefrerfield scale: tem = 05m rf. 1/500 ?memorandum? remarks: jas plan forms
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2018
lydford, ocho rios (mammee bay) toll plaza, davis town, and roaring river in the parish of st. ann, to a point along the north coast highway, 70 metres southeast of the centre of the roundabout at mammee bay, including the angels interchange, linstead int
The Special Economic Zone (Lydford Logistics Limited) Order, 2019
lydford logistics limited) order, 2019 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 17 (restriction on single- entity zones), section 18(1) (designation of special economic zone) and section 22 (minister?s approval required) of the sp
The Special Economic Zone (Lydford Logistics Limited) Order, 2019
lydford logistics limited. 4. the special economic zone authority to enter into a licence agreement not to exceed july 26, 2037 with lydford logistics limited. 5. this order hereby supersedes the jamaica gazette supplement vol. cxlii, no. 3 issued janua