The Civil Aviation Act
march 31, 2000. dated this 15th day of february, 2000. 158 t. lewis, director-general of civil aviation. the civil aviation act tue civil aviation (air navigation) regulations, 1995 the civil aviation (emergency evacuation and ditching) directives, 2
The Civil Aviation Act
march 31, 2000. dated this 15th day of february, 2000. 158 t. lewis, director-general of civil aviation. the civil aviation act the civil aviation (air navigation) regulations, 1995 the civil aviation (emergency evacuation and ditching) directives, 2
The Telecommunications Act
march, 2000 is hereby appointed as the day on which the telecommunications act, 2000 shall come into operation. dated this 28th day of february, 2000. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. printed by jamaica printing servi
The Companies Act
march, 1978, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature con- templated by subsection (1) of section 20 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and profits of t
The Companies Act
march, 1978, does by this licence authorize bethel united church of jesus christ (apostolic) limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated this 21st day of february, 2000.
The Companies Act
march, 1978, does by this licence authorize bethel united church of jesus christ (apostolic) limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisiing of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated this 21st day of february, 2000.
The Companies Act
march, 1978, does by this licence authorize bethel united church of jesus christ (apostolic) limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated this 21st day of february, 2000.
The Constitution of Jamaica
march 29, 2000 no. 21b no. 29d wp the constitution of jamaica ti: delegation of functions (public service) order, 2000 by his excellency the most honourable sir howard felix hanlan cooke, member of the order of the nation, knight grand cross of the most d
The Housing Act
march 30, 2000 no. 22 v no. 30 sii the housing act ; (act 55 of 1968) the housing scheme part of hunts bay, st. andrew (housing area) order, 2000 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by subsection (1) of section 4 of the housing act a
The Housing Act
march 30, 2000 ee ??????????????????????????????? 2. by this order the lands described in the schedule hereto are hereby declared a housing area: schedule all that parcel of land part of hunts bay in the parish of st. andrew registered at volume
The Motion Picture (Encouragement) Act
march 30, 2000 no. 22a ik no. 30a ee the motion picture (encouragement) act the declaration of recognized motion picture producer (p3 mm inc. limited) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 3 of the motion picture
The Motion Picture (Encouragement) Act
march 30, 2000 4. income derived from any advertisement produced by the company shall not be entitled to any relief under subsections (i) and (2) of section 15 of the act. 5. in accordance with section 3 (2) of the act, the company shall undertake
march 30, 2000 no. 22b / no. 30b corrigendum with reference to the fishing industry (conservation of conch (genus strombus)) regulations, 2000, notice no. 26, published in the jamaica gazette supplement (proc- lamations, rules and regulations) vol. c
march 30, 2000 no. 22c no. 30c corrigendum with reference to proclamation (l.s. no. 2/2000?no. 3/2000). the constitution " jamaica, to prorogue parliament published in the jamaica gazette supplement (proc- lamations, rules and regulations, vol. cxxii