The Property (Rights of Spouses) Act, 2004 (Appointed Day) Notice
march 29, 2006 no. 28 no. 55 the property (rights of spouses)act (act 4012004) the property (rights of spouses) act, 2004 (appointed day) notice in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 1 of the property (rights of spouses) act, 2
The Highway 2000 (Part of Phase 1) Toll (Amendment) Order, 2006
march 29, 2006 no. 29 no. 56 the toll roads act the highway 2000 (part of phase 1) toll (amendment) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 8 (3) of the toll roads act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1.