march 31
The Civil Aviation Act
march 31, 2000. dated this 15th day of february, 2000. 158 t. lewis, director-general of civil aviation. the civil aviation act tue civil aviation (air navigation) regulations, 1995 the civil aviation (emergency evacuation and ditching) directives, 2
The Civil Aviation Act
march 31, 2000. dated this 15th day of february, 2000. 158 t. lewis, director-general of civil aviation. the civil aviation act the civil aviation (air navigation) regulations, 1995 the civil aviation (emergency evacuation and ditching) directives, 2
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act
march 31, 2000 no. 23 f wan toe no. 31 the endangered species (protection, conservation and regulation of trade) act, 2000 the endangered species (protection, conservation and regulation of trade) act (appointed day) notice in exercise of the po
The Coconut Industry Control (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
march 31, 2000 no. 23a vv? no. 31a the coconut industry control act the coconut industry control (amendment) regulations, 2000 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the coconut industry board by section 20 of the coconut industry control act,
The Coconut Industry Control (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
march 31, 2000 3. paragraph (1) of regulation 14 of the principal regulations is hereby amended by deleting from sub-paragraph (a) the figures ?18,920.00? and substituting there- for the figures ?14,500.00?. made by the coconut industry board thi
The Wild Life Protection (Hunter's Returns) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
march 31 ? $2,000.00; april 1 to may 31 ? $5,000.00; june 1 to august 15 ? $10,000.00; failure to comply with the fore- going will result in the denial of a hunters? licence for the subsequent bird shooting season. all returns are either to be made direct
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licences) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
march 31--$2,000.00; april | to may 31--$5,000.00; june 1 to august 15?$10,000.00. failure to comply with the foregoing will result in the denial of a hunter's licence for the subsequent season. all returns are either to be made directly to the natural re
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order, 2003
march 31, 2003 until april 11,2003 dated the 12th day of february, 2003. lensley wolfe, chief justice. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd, (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica.
The Property Tax (Remission of Tax) Notice, 2003
march 31, 2003 pursuant to the provisional collection of tax (property tax) order, 2002, the difference between the amount payable under that order and the amount, paid by persons or class of persons, which is specified in the second column of the schedul
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Excise Duty) Order, 2003
march 31, 2003 no. 23 no. 31 the provisional collection of tax act the provisional collection of tax (excise duty) order, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 3 of the provisional collection of tax act, the followi
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Excise Duty) Order, 2003
march 31, 2003 the special consumption tax imposed under the second schedule to the general consumption tax act, in respect of such cigarettes: and (b) on cigars, cheroots, cigarillos, smoking and other manufactured tobacco and snuff, manufactu
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Property Tax) (No. 2) Order, 2003
march 31, 2003 no. 24 no. 32 the provisional collection of tax act tie provisional collection of tax (property tax) (no. 2) order, 2003 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 3 of the provisional collection of tax act. a
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Property Tax) (No. 2) Order, 2003
march 31, 2003 (2) property tax payable pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) shall be paid on or before the expiration of thirty days next following the date of service of the notice of valuation. 4. during the continuance in force of this order. section
The Pharmacy (Amendment) Regulations, 2003
march 31, 2003 no. 25 the pharmacy act phf pharmacy (amendment) regulations, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the pharmacy council by section 25 of the pharmacy act. and with the approval of the minister. the following regulations arc