marriage registers
The Agricultural Marketing Corporation Act - Agriculture
marriage registers? the words ?and the index of decrees absolute?. 4. insert next after section 71 the following section - ?regulations. 71a. the minister may make regulations prescribing any matter required to be prescribed under this act.?.
The Marriage Act - Family
marriage registers. personation of marriage officer. false official certificates or attestations. tampering of marriage officers with certificates or notice. false ceremony of marriage. fraudulent ceremony of marriage with a party believing it valid. frau
The Marriage Act - Family
marriage registers in the general register office. - 47. the registrar-general shall give a? copy, sealed and stamped with the seal of the general register office, of any marriage register in the general register office, to any person requiring it and on
The Marriage Act
marriage registers being accidentally rendered useless it must on no account be destroyed. the word ?cancelled? must be written across it, and also across the corresponding numbered form in the original or duplicate register as the case may be; the cancel
The Marriage Act
marriage registers are issuable in valid form from the general register office only, and marriage officers should not furnish such documents other than the free certified copy required to be delivered at the time of the marriage, under section 32 of the a
The NIR Bill for submission to Cabinet v4
marriage registers? the words ?and the index of decrees absolute?. 4. insert next after section 71 the following section - ?regulations. 71a. the minister may make regulations prescribing any matter required to be prescribed under this act.?.