may 1, 2007
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, (No. 3) 2007
may 1, 2007 no. 37a no. 74a the road traffic act the road traffic (amendment) regulations (no. 3), 2007 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 59 of the road traffic act and of every other power hereunto enabling, the fol
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, (No. 3) 2007
may 1, 2007 the road hraffic a (regulation 2) hits 2h application for motor vehicle transaction(s) jamaica b please see overleaf for instructions before completing this form = section a - transaction (s) 1. transa
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, (No. 3) 2007
may 1, 2007] proclamations, rules and regulations 150c | instructions 1. this form is to be completed in blue or black ink and signed by the applicant. please type or use block letters. 2. atsections a, b, c, e & f, please tick appropriate b
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, (No. 3) 2007
may 1, 2007 dated this 23rd day of april, 2007. robert pickersgill minister of housing, transport, water and works. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Human Employment and Resource Training Act(Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order, 2007
may 1, 2007 national hotels and properties limited national housing corporation"; and (b) by inserting the following entries in the correct alphabetical sequence? " betting, gaming and lotteries commission development bank of jamaica limited expo
The Stamp Duty (UPS Capital Business Credit US$2,024,540.00 Term Credit Facility) (Remission) Notice, 2007
may 1, 2007 (the ?credit agreement?) under which ups business credit will make available to the government of jamaica a credit facility of up to a maximum of us$2,024,540.00. in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 80b of the stamp
The Stamp Duty (UPS Capital Business Credit US$2,024,540.00 Term Credit Facility) (Remission) Notice, 2007
may 1, 2007 (the ?credit agreement?) under which ups business credit will make available to the government of jamaica a loan of up to a maximum principal amount of us$2,024,540.00. and whereas the principal monies and interest represented by such loan sh
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (UPS Capital Business Credit US$2,024,540.00) Order, 2007
may 1, 2007 (the ?credit agreement?) under which ups business credit will make available to the government of jamaica a loan of up to a maximum principal amount of us$2,024,540.00. and whereas the principal monies and interest represented by such loan sh