may 17, 2011
The Electoral Divisions ( Parishes ) Order, 2011
may 17, 2011} proclamations, rules and regulations 160a schedule, contd. parish and electoral constituency divisions polling divisions ?_? st. catherine, (40) gregory park 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, south, central, 105, 106, 107, 108, 10
The Moneylending (Exemption) ( JN Small Business Limited) Order, 2011
may 17, 2011 no. 45*°a no. 76*a the moneylending act the moneylending (exemption) (j.n. small business loans limited) order, 2011 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by subsection (1) of section 14 of the moneylending act, the f
The Moneylending (Exemption) ( JN Small Business Limited) Order, 2011
may 17, 2011 security given thereof, (respectively), within one (1) year from the coming into operation of this order are hereby declared to be exempt from the provisions of the moneylending act. dated this 17th day of may, 2011. audley shaw minis
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Bakers Hill also known as Top Hill, Manchester) Order, 2014
may 17, 2011 } oe thelr represen ?ghives esmie dawkins sarvay was made. a = e we rounds of objections to the none j - ux, wremv it ony. i surveyed by, rad se ia instructions, lan oo _ commissioned land surveyor rounds of the surveyors decision)