may 18, 2011
The Electoral Divisions ( Corporate Area ) Order, 2011
may 18, 2011 no. 45a no. 76a the kingston and st. andrew corporation act the electoral divisions (corporate area) order, 2011 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 7 (5) of the kingston and st. andrew corporation act, an
The Banking ( CitiBank N.A.) ( Limit on Credit Facilities) Order, 2011
may 18, 2011 no. 45b no. 768 the income tax act the banking (citibank n.a.) (limit on credit facilities) order, 2011 whereas paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section 13 of the banking act provides that except inter alia as permitted by order ma
Licence- Donald Barrington Buchanan Foundation Limited
may 18, 2011 no. 45c no. 76c the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that donald barrington buchanan foundation limited which was duly registered on the 6th april, 2011, as a limited liability company is formed for th
may 18, 2011, this order supersedes the previous publication. "the banking act the banking (citibank n.a.) (limit on credit facilities) order, 2011 whereas paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section 13 of the banking act provides that except inter alia