may, 2002
The Banana Insurance (Declared Constant) Order, 2002
may, 2002. 3. during the insurance year, 2002, the rate of premium payable for each hectare in respect of which contractual insurance is desired shall be five thousand, five hundred and thirty-five dollars (85,535.00). dated this 1st day of january, 20
The Fishing Industry (Declaration of Close Season) (Conch, Genus Strombus) (No. 2) Order, 2002
may, 2002, is hereby declared to be a close season for conch, genus strombus. dated this 28th day of march, 2002. roger clarke, minister of agriculture. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., {government printers). duke $t., kgn., jamaica
The Banana Insurance (Contractual Insurance) Order, 2002
may, 2002. 3. during the insurance year, 2002, the rate of premium payable for each hectare in respect of which contractual insurance is desired shall be five thousand, five hundred and thirty-five dollars (85,535.00). dated this 1st day of january, 200
The Revenue Administration (Appeals and Disputes Settlement) Regulations, 2001
may, 2002. interpre- 2. in these regulations? tation. ?appellant? means a person who appeals against the decision of a revenue commissioner made in relation to his assessment to tax or other revenue; a
Licence - New Life Community Fellowship Ministries Limited
may, 2002. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1070 no. 72 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that coalition for better parenting limited which was duly registered on the 25th janu
Licence - Coalition for Better Parenting Limited
may, 2002. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1070 no. 72 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that coalition for better parenting limited which was duly registered on the 25th jan
Licence - Overcomers Christian International Limited
may, 2002. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1070 no. 72 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that coalition for better parenting limited which was duly registered on the 25th jan
Licence - Overcomers Christian International Limited
may, 2002. pillr.11p paulwell, minister of industry. commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1104 no. 74 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that word of wisdom assemblies of jesus christ limited which was duly registered
Licence - Word of Wisdom Assemblies of Jesus Christ Limited
may, 2002. pillr.11p paulwell, minister of industry. commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1104 no. 74 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that word of wisdom assemblies of jesus christ limited which was duly registered
Licence - Word of Wisdom Assemblies of Jesus Christ Limited
may, 2002. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1105 no. 76 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that jamaica cricket association limited which was duly registered on the [5th februa
Licence - Rescue Tabernacle (Apostolic) Limited
may, 2002. pillr.11p paulwell, minister of industry. commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1104 no. 74 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that word of wisdom assemblies of jesus christ limited which was duly registered
Licence - Rescue Tabernacle (Apostolic) Limited
may, 2002. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1105 no. 76 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that jamaica cricket association limited which was duly registered on the [5th februa
Licence - Jamaica Cricket Association Limited
may, 2002. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1105 no. 76 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that jamaica cricket association limited which was duly registered on the [5th februa
Licence - Mount Rescue Healing Tabernacle Zion Church Limited
may, 2002. phillip paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 8/8/1105 no. 76 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that jamaica cricket association limited which was duly registered on the [5th februa