may 2010
The Commission of Enquiry Act
may 2010, and the circumstances of his capture; (q) whether monies, benefits or compensation were provided by the state to compensate residents of western kingston including tivoli gardens and, if s0, how much was actually paid or distributed, the manner
The Tax Collection ( Approved Write-Off ) ( No. 4) Order, 2017
may 2010 2012 2012- 2013 2012- 2013 2012- 2013 2007 and 2009 2011- 2012 dec 2011- oct 2012 mar. 2012- april 2017 schedule return tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,283.36 15,286.24 6,788.20 0.00 699,502.00 0.00 0.00 9,302,503.00 penalty 0.00 40,
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) Order, 2018
may 2010 to aug. 2010; dec. 2010 dec. 2005; dec. 2006; dec. 2007; dec. 2008; mar. 2009 to dec. 2010 dec. 2009 july 2007 to dec. 2007; dec. 2008 dec. 2007 & dec. 2008 jan. 2008 to dec. 2008; july 2012 to aug. 2012; dec. 2012 to feb. 2013; aug. 2014 to
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 2) Order, 2018
may 2010; july 2010 paye feb. 2008; apr. 2009 to july 2009 education tax dec. 2007 to dec. 2009 schedule, contd. return tax 752,946.39 3,381,004.04 0.00 825,000.00 665,146.71 1,056,782.14 0.00 9,504,237.28 231,681.06 440,971.94 603,279.14 pen
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
may 2010 to aug 2010; nov to dec western school paye 2010 476,014.84 2,141,412.64 1,998,610.31 4,616,037.79 trust limited feb 2011 to april 2011 & dec 2011 aton dec 2011 246,861.33 - 68,923.09 315,784.42 assettax | pec200410 | 44405013 94,323.83 538,373.9
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
may 2010; july 2010 & oct 2010 50,795,347.98 15,450,415.35 404,938,360.82 471,184,124.15 paye dec 2007; may; jun & dec 2008; may to sept 2009; nov & dec 2009 & dec 2010 32,341.91 137,556.71 171,621.43 341,520.05 tewani limited gct m
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
may 2010 & sept 2010 10,088,040.81 2,835,298.82 66,219105.81 79,142,445.44 paye jan to may 2009; jul 2009; sept to dec 2009; jan to dec 2010 2,466.33 117,841.53 213,785.07 334,092.93 manpower & maintenance services limited gct sept 2007
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
may 2010 4,091,142.56 22,912,548.76 34,642,375.60 61,646,066.92 neville 0 b williams & associates education tax dec 2008; dec 2009 & dec 2010 1,400,523.56 501,393.23 1,901,916.79 paye feb to mar 2007; may to dec 2007; jan & jul 2008; se
The Tac Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2019
may 2010 north-east regional | education dec2012 | 73:641,723.90 0.0 34,683,436.17 | 108,325,160.07 heath authority tax portland parish mov 2013 council ger july to 0.0 23,155.14 39,774.41 62,929.55 nov 2012 aug to post and dec 2010 telecommunications jan
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) (No. 2) Order, 2019
may 2010 jan to dec 2011 brown's town jan on dec community college #32 0.0 1,061,673.71 1,725,936.79 2,787,610.50 grand total 12,253.11 1,093,385.49 1,739,644.89 2,845,283.49 dated this 28th day of march, 2019. nigel clarke minister of finance and the pu
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 7) Order, 2019
may 2010 1,834,223.84 | 1,376,525.00 | 18,832,641.00 | 22,043,389.84 asset tax dec 2017 0.00 0.00 739.73 739.73 dec 2013 corporate vestcom limited dec 2014 0.00 65,000.00 1,797,799.13 1,862,799.13 income tax dec 2015 gct jan & mar 2015 517,327.00 155,439.
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 8) Order, 2019
may 2010 $,804.41 71,772.94 120,867.46 202,444.81 education tax dec 2012 9,783.36 0.00 5,231.65 15,015.01 percival campbell income tax dec 2013 2,216.64 0.00 1,761.03 3,977.67 richard atherton: | thcome tax dec 2007 12,783,587.09 6,391,793.54 29,502,603.0