may 31, 2010
Licence- Living Water Community Church Limited
may 31, 2010 no. 32b no. 45d the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that living water community church limited which was duly registered on the 15th march, 2010, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpo
Licence- Faithful Few Mount Zion Temple Limited
may 31, 2010 no. 32c no. 45f the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that faithful few mount zion tempie limited which was duly registered on the 26th september, 2008, as a limited liability company is formed for the
Detention (Vivian Henry) (State of Public Emergency for the Parish of St. James) Order, 2019
may 31, 2010; iii. suspected of being involved in the murder of christopher mcdonald on november 18, 2018; and iv. suspected of being a member of a criminal organization. section 13(10) of the constitution of jamaica gives you the right to request a re