The Tax Collection Write- Off Order, 2017
mbt gct gct paye asset tax education tax gct year of assessment 2016 2012 2011- 2012 2014 2015 2016 2012 2012? 2014 2007? 2015 jan. 2007- nov. 2015 schedule return tax balance 46,007.52 309,124.00 30,000.00 595,646.00 647,026.00 251,
The Tax Collection Write- Off Order, 2017
mbt cit paye education tax gct education tax paye gct gct gct gct paye year of assessment 2016 2012 jan-feb 2012 2012 nov.?dec. 2012 jan. 2011- july 2016 june 2007 to sep-16 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014 and 2015 2011; 2012; 2015 schedule, re
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
mbt dec 2017 60,000.00 1,247.01 61,247.01 individual maxeen morgan | income dec 2012 to - 245,000.00 48,023.77 293,023.77 tax dec 2016 individual income dec 2011 to - 220,000.00 48,987.08 268,987.08 : tax dec 2014 naomi jacobs education dec 2031; tax dec
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
mbt dec 2017 60,000.00 - 1,247.01 61,247.01 dec 2007; dec 2008; june 2009; dec 2009; jan to mar 2010; may to nov 2010; q paye jan to nov 221,226.37 7,675,383.46 16,694,218.99 24,590,828.82 2011; janto nov 2012; jan 2013 to aug 2013; oct 2013 lamasa limite
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
mbt aug2016& | 1,1 000.00 14,132.78 0.0 134,132.78 june 2017 individual lionel income dec 2013 to 256,977.00 15,000.00 114,304.53 386,281.53 tax dec 2015 ont sducation? | dec2mns& | joann no 14,147.41 63,477.41 tax dec 2015 se 2 § s | education tax dec 20
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
mbt dec 2016; dec 2017 120,000.00 17,458.14 137,458.14 environ maintenance limited asset tax dec 2010 34,998.44 39,322.98 74,321.42 gct jan to dec 2007; jan to dec 2008; jan to july 2009; may 2010; july 2010 & oct 2010 50,795,347.98 15
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 4) Order, 2018
mbt 2016 60,000.00 16,211.13 - 76,23%43 dec 2012 to 235,000.00 146,365.50 - 381,365.50 asset tax dec 2016 paye dec 2011 & - 19,893.53 6,915.39 26,808.92 celect hotel & dec 2014 restaurant education - 10,516.33 3,808.00 14,324.33 supplies limited | tax feb
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 4) Order, 2018
mbt dec 2015 to dec 2017 120,000.00 22,861.85 142,861.85 paye sept 2014; oct 2015; feb 2016; apr to may 2016 & aug 2016 117.02 58.33 175.35 gct sept to dec 2011; jan to july 2012 11,678,069.00 2,875,978.00 25,134,282.00 39,688,329.00
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 5) Order, 2018
mbt dec 2016 & 120,000.00 - 29,495.63 77,495.63 dec 2017 individual dec 2013 48,000.00 29,495.63 77,495.63 clinton burke comme tos eas dec 2012 10,743.36 - 3,131.66 13,875.02 education dec 2007 & 7,754.66 - 2,634.90 10,389.56 sylvester bennett tax dec 200