member states
The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and Other Health Professions) Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
member states of the community. article 19 provisional application this agreement may be provisionally applied on signature by not less than four member states of the community. article 20 depo. sitary this agreement shall be deposited with the secreta
The Caribbean Agricultural Research, etc. Act - Agriculture
member states; (¢) to provide and extend the application of new technologies in production, processing, storage and distribution of agricultural products of member states; (ed) to pursue for specified periods long-term research in pertinent areas; (2)
9_2006- The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and other Health Professions) Act
member states of the community. article 19 provisional application this agreement may be provisionally applied on signature by not less than four member states of the community. article 20 depositary this agreement shall be deposited with the secretar