michael a. peart
1 of 2016 - The Insurance (Amendment) Act
michael a. peart speaker. passed in the senate this 15th day of january, 2016 with one (1) amendment. angela brown-burke deputy president. on the 19th day of january, 2016 the house of representatives agreed to the amendment made by the senate. michae
2 of 2016 - The Firearms (Amendment) Act - final
michael a. peart speaker. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been jound by me to be a true and correct printed copy of the said act. si : hoa rte se ) codlee ?clerk
3 of 2016 - The Maritime Drug Trafficking (Suppression) (Amendment) Act
michael a. peart speaker. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been found by me to be a true and correct printed copy of the said act. sot. peetlan ef. lode clerk to t
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
michael a. peart speaker. passed in the senate this 8th day of january, 2016 with two (2) amendments. angela brown-burke deputy president. on the 12th day of january, 2016 the house of representatives agreed to the amendments made by the senate. lloyd
5 of 2016 - The Local Government (Unified Service and Employment) Act
michael a. peart speaker. passed in the senate this 8th day of january, 2016 with one (1) amendment. angela brown-burke deputy president. on the 12th day of january, 2016 the house of representatives agreed to the amendments made by the senate. lloyd
6 of 2016 - The Judicature (Resident Magistrates)(Amendment and Change of Name) Act
michael a. peart speaker.
9 of 2016 - The Judicature (Supreme Court) (Amendment) Act
michael a. peart speaker. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been found by me to be a true and correct printed copy of the said act. sg herter ?. code le rk to the h
10 of 2016 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
michael a. peart speaker. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been found by me to be a true and correct printed copy of the said act. sql. hatter £. cocke clerk to th
2 of 2015 - The Urban Renewal ( Tax Relief) Act
michael a. peart speaker jamaica no. 2 ? 2015 i assent, governor-general. a. nn" day 6] a lg ich 015 j 0 [l.s.] an act to amend the urban renewal (tax relief) act. [13th don % to ch 2015 1 beit enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and
2 of 2015 - The Urban Renewal ( Tax Relief) Act
michael a. peart speaker. passed in the senate this 5th day of february, 2015. floyd e. morris president. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been found by me to be a
3 of 2015 - The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Bill Act
michael a. peart speaker. passed in the senate this sth day of february, 2015 with one (1) amendment. floyd e. morris: president, on the 10th day of february, 2015 the house of representatives agreed to the amendment made by the senate. - michael a. p
4 of 2015- The Financial Administration and Audit Act
michael a. peart speaker. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been sound by me tobe. true and correct printed copy of the said act, tre lams a4. = coobe to th ouses