microcredit appeals tribunal
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal, part vii?protection of consumers power of commission, ©
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal. 37.?(1) the supervisor may require an external auditor, on the conduct of an audit or the preparation of the accounts ofa licensee, to make disclosure to the supervisor regarding the financial viability of the licensee
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal, second schedule. [no. ] the microcredit act, 2021 part vi?appeals 41.?(1) there is hereby established an appeals tribunal to be known as the microcredit appeals tribunal. (2) the provisions of the second schedule shall ha
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal constitution 1.?(1) subject to subparagraph (2), the microcredit appeals of micro- tribunal shall consist of five members appointed by the governor- pos s general on the advice of the minister. tribunal. (2) the microcredit
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal shall appoint one of their number to be the chairman. (4) an appointment made in contravention of subparagraph (1) shall be void. 4. ifthe chairman of the microcredit appeals tribunal is absent or unable to act, the other si
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal, the appointment of that person shall be revoked from the date on which the person ceased to be eligible. 7?(1) the chairman may, at any time, resign from office, by instrument, in writing, addressed to the governor-general a
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal shall not be affected by? (ad) any vacancy among the members; (b) any defect in the appointment of a member; (c) any failure on the part of a member to disclose that member's interest in a relevant matter; or (d) any irregu
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
microcredit appeals tribunal, the governor-general, on the advice of the minister, may replace the member or direct that member to abstain from taking part in any proceedings relating to any matter affected by the conflict of interest or potential conflic