ministry of land
The Appropriation Act
ministry of land and environment office of the deputy prime minister, and ministry of land and environment, capital carried forward the appropriation act, 2001 sums granted $°000 55,935,396 12,700 729,000 154,000 205,000 52,000 825,500 685,000 2
The Appropriation Act
ministry of land and environment, capital, multilateral, bilateral programmes) 100,000 national land agency 267,500 national environmental planning agency 204,000 ministry of water and housing 499,998 ministry of water and housing, capital 250,000 ministr
13_2001- The Appropriation Act
ministry of land and environment office of the deputy prime minister, and ministry of land and environment, capital carried forward the appropriation act, 2001 sums granted $°000 55,935,396 12,700 729,000 154,000 205,000 52,000 825,500 685,000 2
13_2001- The Appropriation Act
ministry of land and environment, capital, multilateral, bilateral programmes) 100,000 national land agency 267,500 national environmental planning agency 204,000 ministry of water and housing 499,998 ministry of water and housing, capital 250,000 ministr
The Access to Information Act
ministry of land and environment [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 1847/2008]