ministry of mining
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
ministry of mining & telecommunictions with effect from april 6, 2009. 1 executive secretary 1 ops ss 4 post [# 9009] transferred from the former ministry of mining & telecommunictions with effect from april 6, 2009. 1 senior secretary ops ss 3 post [# 53
The Appropriation Act
ministry of mining and energy ministry of mining and energy, capital office of the prime minister, capital, multilateral/ bilateral programmes) office of the deputy prime minister and ministry of land and environment office of the deputy prime minist
13_2001- The Appropriation Act
ministry of mining and energy ministry of mining and energy, capital office of the prime minister, capital, multilateral/ bilateral programmes) office of the deputy prime minister and ministry of land and environment office of the deputy prime minist
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
ministry of mining and energy, together with a valid calibration certificate issued to the applicant by the bureau of standards in respect of each tank truck or tanker wagon he intends to use for the haulage of petroleum products. (3) if the application
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
ministry of mining and energy; (b) be accompanied by a recommendation from one of the persons specified on the form; (c) where the applicant is a licensed retailer, be accompanied by a copy of the licence issued to him pursuant to the relevant act; (d)
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
ministry of mining and energy, pcj resource centre, 36 trafalgar road, kingston 10. *delete whichever is inapplicable. minister of mining and energy form 6 (regulation 5) the petroleum (quality control) act the petroleum (quality control) regulations,
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
ministry of mining and energy date of application: ....,...ccecersrrens esrresierennns reresherssrsersenpisenarraran pr srsvessrene full company name of applicant: ........c..ecrvernnnns reeretestesseene se eteanartesarerinrenensaran erenens business add