The Income Tax Act
mler chrysler ag) order, 2000 whereas by section 12 (m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and planning may, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest of any loan charged upon the consolidated fund shall in so far as the mi
The Income Tax Act
mler chrysler ag) order, 2000 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. interest payable under the financing agreements in connection with the loan, charged as hereinbefore mentioned, shall be exempt from income tax. da
The Housing Scheme Part of Green Pond and Irwin Estate in the Parish of St. James ( Housing Area) Order, 2009
mley in the parish of st. ann (housing area) order, 2009 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 4(1) of the housing act, and every other power hereunto enabling, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited
The Housing Scheme Part of Greenfield Pen and Bromley in the Parish of St. Ann ( Housing Area) Order, 2009
mley in the parish of st. ann (housing area) order, 2009 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 4(1) of the housing act, and every other power hereunto enabling, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited
The Housing Scheme Part of Greenfield Pen and Bromley in the Parish of St. Ann ( Housing Area) Order, 2009
mley in the parish of st. ann, and being the land registered at volume 1251 folio 856 and volume 1191] folio 730 respectively. starting at the south-eastern corner of lands registered at volume 1191 folio 730 in the name of the minister of housing and lan
The Education ( Determination of Classification of Specified Schools ) Order, 2011
mley all-age bromley primary st. mary 05044 newstead all-age newstead primary st. mary 05025 * hampstead all-age hampstead primary st. mary 06004 beecher town all-age beecher town primary st. ann 06032 keith all-age keith primary st. ann 06046 philadelphi