molynes road
The Transport Authority (Public Passenger Vehicles) (Prescribed Fares) (No. 2) Order, 2001
molynes road and perkins boulevard. zone 2 all points north and west of the intersection of red hills road. knightsdale drive, molynes road and perkins boulevard. for routes travelling along mannings hill road. zone | all points south of the intersect
The Transport Authority (Public Passenger Vehicles) (Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region) (Prescribed Fares) Order,2003
molynes road and perkins boulevard. zone 2 all points north and west of the intersection of red hills road, knightsdale drive, molynes road and perkins boulevard. for routes travelling along mannings hill road. zone | all points south of the intersect
The Kingston and St. Andrew (Cemeteries) Act
molynes road, south by ambrook lane, east by old court house, p.w.d. premises and 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 hagley park road, west by 1 molynss road and part of 3 molynes road. north by premises of erica perry, south by premises of ralph lewis, cyril thomas, l
The National Water Commission Act
molynes road along the centre line at molynes road to a point 200 feet at right angles to the centre line at eastwood park road thence northerly and parallel to the centre line at eastwood park road to the southern boundary at sandy gully. north-easterly