na p.o.
The Town and Country Planning (Manchester Parish) Provisional Development Order Notice, 2013
na p.o. coleyville p.o. comfort hall po. craighead p.o. =. cross keys p.o. devon p.o. ellen street p.o. harmons p.o. harry watch p.o. hatfield p.o. kirkvine p.o. knockpatrick p.o. lincoln p.o. maidstone p.o. mandeville p.o. mile gully p.o. new port p.o.
na p.o. coleyville p.o. comfort hall p.o. craighead p.o. cross keys p.o. devon p.o. ellen street p.o. harmons p.o. harry watch p.o. hatfield p.o. kirkvine p.o. knockpatrick p.o. lincoln p.o. maidstone p.o. mandeville p.o. mile gully p.o. new port p.o. ba
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Top Hill, St. Elizabeth) Order, 2015
na p.o. / m. [n. : : @- donald taylor © lr burnt savanna p.o. bernia sagres burnt savanna p.o) gs 2|e ? ad a 3 gul-de?88¢ redrick segree? ? 3 £ fr. bumt savanna p.o. ale 3 gi ~ = pn . er efl - 2 enoxwood
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Luna in the Parish of Saint Mary) Order, 2015
na p.o. 533-38 £ 19.73 border district st. mary 5 63-44 w 14.98 n 69-28 w 8.34 5 88-08 ww 10.23 1 peter kennedy my luna p.o. border district st. mary 2 2% joseph thompson 5° of luna p.o. s 0 sd border district £ 10 st. mary & joseph thompson 3 o luna p.o.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Richmond In The Parish of Manchester) Order, 2016
na p.o. line bearing distance 2-23 n40"10" 10.49m 23-22 s62°33 5.85m 4-24 n19'58" 52m ry 6-21 nbo'16! 74m gary mcpherson % 4-25 ng66°38? 12m christiong p.o. . hope, mop fell, - 7 2, m. akan. = a " ry © 9 robert dixon. christiana p.o. ip old 3 » 9 ip old a
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Richmond in the parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0017/2018
na p.o. part of rebert albergo christiona p.o. george white a christicna 2.0, ip by herring wood compass survey n85'37 os ne ) percival tomlin fog / 14.63m 3 christiana p.o. ® q x \ of zz q pe: 336333 \n x= melva willioms et
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Spitzbergen called Top Contrivance in the parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0145/2018
na p.o. spitzbergen pe: 320154 ellenore johnsan called spalding p.o. albert mitchell walderston p.o. top contrivance of 9 100 metres 1 ] 1 10 0 10 2 30 4 s0 6 70 80 1 l j. 1 i 1 l 1 j 1 i == i i i i i 1 1 1 scale: 1/1000 n memorandum jama
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Spitzbergen in the parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0286/2019
na p.o. im: kpan albert williums christiana p.o. ex. # 226749 ? @ § carlton morris christiana 12.0. cempass survey 50 metres | j ?4. ws, be, j ron re: v 2 ri yon 4%, spitzbergen "ry lop? s 0 ] 10 15 20 2% 30 38 40 43 l i )
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Luna in the parish of Saint Mary) Order, No. 0263/2019
na p.o. eg cassandra notice? : 1 noz-25e 15.178 derive 5 | qorder dire o n 14-57 ww 11.844 luna p.o. . 7 n 02-50 £ 4626 soar ied n 24-04 £ 13.663 s 64-30 £ 14.075 s81-13? 10070 s 36-02 w 39.047 n 81-12 w 2314 1 elijah danvers | *%0 luna p.o. ? border
The Emergency Powers Regulations, 2019-Detention (Everton Douglas o/c Fuba) (State of Public Emergency for the Parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew) Order, 2020
na p.o. ?=3_|n6223'w| 30.82m o ?4 [nst 10'w] 4.65m 8 ?5_|noos4'w|_35.66m ¢/o j §-6_|nos 5.75m chrig 7 ?7 _inoz57 e] 16.14m 3 7-8 _|nos'31'w]_6.87m . 3s st kgonsed thainos * ~ 06 e| 39.07m ristiana p.o. est. lester powell 0=11|no3set 17.18m § eo hoanaid po
The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Chudleigh in the Parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0019/2020
na p.o. ?=3_|n6223'w| 30.82m o ?4 [nst 10'w] 4.65m 8 ?5_|noos4'w|_35.66m ¢/o j §-6_|nos 5.75m chrig 7 ?7 _inoz57 e] 16.14m 3 7-8 _|nos'31'w]_6.87m . 3s st kgonsed thainos * ~ 06 e| 39.07m ristiana p.o. est. lester powell 0=11|no3set 17.18m § eo hoanaid po