The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
naerensis balaenidae neobalaenidae carnivora canidae ursidae mustelidae lutrinae balaenoptera borealis balaenoptera edeni balaenoptera musculus balaenoptera physalus megaptera novaeangliae balaena mysticetus bowhead whal eubalaena spp. right whale
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
naemorhedus baileyi naemorhedus caudatus naemorhedus goral naemorhedus sumatraensis oryx dammah oryx leucoryx ovis ammon hodgsonii ovis ammon nigrimontana
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
nae aloe laeta (includes the var. maniaensis) aloe parallelifolia aloe parvula aloe pillansii aloe polyphylla aloe rauhii aloe suzannae aloe versicolor aloe vossi nepenthes khasiana pitcher-plants nepenthes rajah (old world) orchids (for all of
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
naei dendrobium cruentum laelia jongheana laelia lobata paphiopedilum spp. peristeria elata phragmipedium spp. renanthera imschootiana vanda coerulea abies guatemalensis guatemala fir podocarpus parlatorei podocarps balmea stormiae ayuque sarracenia
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
nae mephitinae viverridae felidae otariidae phocidae proboscidea elephantidae second schedule, contd. lutrinae spp. (except the species included in the first schedule) conepatus humboldtii crytoprocta ferox cynogale bennettii eupleres goudotii fo
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
nae tapiridae tapirus terrestris tapirs rhinocerotidae ceratotherium simum simum ~~ rhinoceroses (only the population of south africa; all other populations are included in the first schedule. for the exclusive purpose of allowing inter- national trade i
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
nae calyptphyla crucialis pisces cyprinodon jamaicensis arthropoda insecta anetia jaegeri danaus cleophile eurytides marcellinus hypolestes clara crustacea metapaulia depressa onychophora epiperipatus lewisi macroperipatus insularis clarki peripat
Licence-The Spanish-Jamaican Foundation Limited
naesthetists limited which was duly registered on the 20th march, 2006, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the inten
Licence-Jamaica Association of Nurse Anaesthetists Limited
naesthetists limited which was duly registered on the 20th march, 2006, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the inten
Licence-Jamaica Association of Nurse Anaesthetists Limited
naesthetists limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 15th day of january, 2007. phillip paulwell minister of industry, technology, energy and comme