The Fair Competition (Notices and Procedures) Regulations, 2000
nees was hae 0 en ae se seis ean sane nnabsabiese sees ise (address of witness) take notice that you are hereby required to appear before the commission for examination pursuant to section 6 of the fair competition act. the commission is presently cond
The Keeping of Animals Act
neesetieersiarneransarenrsssttscaesirnanns approximate size of those premises.............ccc..ocovieiiiiicniiieiiiiiiiiiiieeinrnnnee, description and number of animals permitted to be kept in those premises obs +3 ee up eae ase e a tea beans ee hey ea
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
nees vereerererennan jreretsiriananss hereon vesesraietamearesscnrtsavansee teossss veuesrssrsvaceresennsresasernsiany vecesssssrrenanse veaese telephone number: .....coovivvvecninenes rerenen a, reerrresiesenes err hereeereneanene fax number: .......cce
The Processed Food Act
nees sy rebate beset aust ates see eare tt teenie neneteateranirsenabrn pe 888 a8 1 000 ea nae an eet et tones erento tue tsetse east teers eteattaestot teenie ri thon t tetas nonthbaserttnetiaresastans oa aaa mbes teat g ee e ee h aaa a esas hase ates 8
The River Rafting Act
nees sates tera eter tt res ites ctte totes eeratecsttrorutasredastectorrtitrraertiry photograph of holder of raftsman?s licence. secretary, 17
The Food and Drugs Act
nees; () oil of brazilian sassafras from ocotea cymbarum hbx; {the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n 286/1976)
The Tourist (Duty-Free) Shopping System Act
nees % *that (i have/the said company has) not during the twelve months preceding the date of this application been refused the grant or renewal of a tourist (duty-free) shop operator's licence or tourist (duty- free) shop operator's agency permit (save