The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations,2004
nelson mandela highway interchange at a point 966 metres east of the junction of the nelson mandela highway with the main road to gregory park in st. catherine, proceeding south-westerly through lakes pen, bernard lodge, hartlands, cherry garden, bushy pa
The Deportation (Cornelia Bliss) Order, 2000
nelia bliss) order, 2000 whereas the resident magistrate in the resident magistrate?s court for the parish of clarendon has certified to the minister that the alien cornelia bliss has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act: now, there
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
nelboard?120/240 v, single phase, lugs only gl (type gl 84) which conforms with js 20: panelboards and panelboard enclosures. 8. electrical manufacturers (jamaica) limited has withdrawn licence no. a2/90 from the certification mark programme, effective j
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
nelboard?120/240 v, single phase, lugs only gl (type gl 84) which conforms with js 20: panelboards and panelboard enclosures. 8. electrical manufacturers (jamaica) limited has withdrawn licence no. a2/90 from the certification mark programme, effective j
The Housing Scheme part of Goldsmith Villa in the parish of St. Andrew (Housing Area) Order, 2001
nellia burrell ef al and being the lot numbered 624. dated at halfway tree this 3rd day of august, 2001. no. 119 e. c. karl blythe, minister of water and housing. the housing act (act 55 of 1968) the housing scheme part of goldsmith villa in the pari
The Housing Scheme part of Curatoe Hill now called Mineral Heights Clarendon (Housing Area) Order, 2001
nellia burrell ef al and being the lot numbered 624. dated at halfway tree this 3rd day of august, 2001. no. 119 e. c. karl blythe. minister of water and housing. the housing act (act 55 of 1968) the housing scheme part of goldsmith villa in the pari
The Income Tax (Approved Farmer) (No. 2) Order, 2001
nel dated this 25th day of july, 2001. no. lts/5/s schedule commencing year of assessment 2000 2001 prescribed agricultural location of farm activity [ activities fish farming and the growing of food crops clarendon park, clarendon dove hall
The Delegation of Functions (Public Service) Order, 2002
nel officer in relation to the offices specified in that schedule. (2) sub-paragraph (1) shall not apply to any office specified in the delegation of functions (public service) (specified ministries and departments) order, 2000. 3. the power referred to