The Income Tax ( Amalgamated Payroll Remittance) Regulation, 2010
nht and nis 12. number of heart trainees: 13. gross emotuments (monthly) employed for the month: contributors: a8 per nis, nht and heart: | i$ section b - details of statutory contributions and deductions for remittance period. contribution | trainee tax
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2)Order,2011
nht office after december 31% (of the calendar/return year), but not tater than the 14" day of march of the following year. returns may also be filed online at www.jamaicatax- onling.qov.im. annual return complete all relevant lines/fields in section
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2)Order,2011
nht education tax pae income fax/ 5% of total gross s%toftotolgrass | s%oftotalgross | 25% of total gross 1s jes: schedule a~ employee emoluments, deductions & paye taxes & contributions employer's name: deductions (31 employee details e
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2)Order,2011
nht educationtay | payeincometax/ 5% of total gross 53% of total gross 5% of total gross 25% of total gross employee details emoluments (5) dere | fa) {b) {c) id} (e} tf) gross emoluments { grossemoluments | superannuatian/ employee name em