north america
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
north america, all other populations are included in the second schedule) leopardus pardalis leopardus tigrinus leopardus wiedii lynx pardinus neofelis nebulosa oncifelis geoffroyi oreailurus jacobita panthera leo persica panthera onca panthera pardu
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
north america; all other populations are included in appendix ii) uncia uncia aonyx capensis congica otters {only the populations of cameroon and nigeria; all other populations are included in appendix 1i) enhydra lutris nereis lontra felina lontra l
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
north america; all other populations are included in the second schedule) uncia uncia aonyx capensis microdon otters (only the populations of cameroon and nigeria; all other populations are included in the second schedule) enhydra lutris nereis lont
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
north america; all other populations are included in the second schedule) leopardus pardalis leopardus tigrinus leopardus wiedii lynx pardinus neofelis nebulosa oncifelis geoffroyi oreailurus jacobita panthera leo persica panthera onca pantherg_pardus pr
The Aliens Act
north american visitors) (exemption) directions, 1980 (made by the minister on the 2nd day of july, 1980) 1. these directions may be cited as the aliens (north american visitors) (exemption) directions, 1980. 2. in these directions? : ?nort american vi
The Aliens Act
north american visitors) (exemption) (b) | © @ directions, 1980 officer that he is entitled to be returned to, north america, at any time within six months of his arrival in jamaica; in the case of a united states citizen, he produces on arrival in j
The Tourist Board Act
north america shall be flown in the manner specified in paragraph (2), at all times when divers are submerged. (2) such flags shall? (@) be attached to a floating buoy at the dive site; or (b) be displayed on the boat on which divers are carried while s