The Irrigation and Drainage Charges (Amendment) Notification, 2000
notification, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the national irrigation commission limited by section 47 of the irrigation act as modified by the irrigation authorities (vesting of functions in the national irrigation commission limited) order
The Irrigation and Drainage Charges (Amendment) Notification, 2004
notification, 2004 in exercise of the power conferred upon the national irrigation commission limited by section 47 of the irrigation act, the following notification is hereby given with the approval of the minister:? 1. this notification may be cited
The Irrigation and Drainage Charges (Amendment) Notification, 2004
notification, 2004 in exercise of the power conferred upon the national irrigation commission limited by section 47 of the irrigation act, the following notification is hereby given with the approval of the minister:? 1. this notification may be cited
Annex to Ministerial Order - ( Issued By The MInister of Commerce, Science and Technology Pursuant To Sections 38 and 39 of The Telecommunications Act, 2000)
notification of default?). if the carrier-in-default disagrees it will give written notice to the terminating carrier of the undisputed amount and make payment in respect of such amount within 24 hours of notification of default. if the carrier-in-default
The Irrigation and Drainage Charges (Amendment) Notification, 2007
notification, 2007 in exercise of the power conferred upon the national irrigation commission limited by section 47 of the irrigation act, the following notification is hereby given with the approval of the minister:? 1. this notification may be cited a
The Natural Resources ( Hazardous Wastes) ( Control of Transboundary Movement) ( Changes of Name and Movement ) Regulation , 2009
notification of movements of wastes name adress (pursuant to regulations 7, 9 and 10) 1. exporter - notifier registration no: 3. notification no ?notification concerning a (i) individual shipment b(i) oisposai(1): o (4) multiple shipments: [0
The Natural Resources ( Hazardous Wastes) ( Control of Transboundary Movement) ( Changes of Name and Movement ) Regulation , 2009
notification of movements of wastes, contd. list of abbreviations and codes used in the notification document disposal operations (block 11) ns pararit inn ar main dnad, (og nad, ats) d2 land treatment, {e.g.. biodegradation of liquid of sluday discare
The Irrigation and Drainage Charges ( Amendment) Notification, 2010
notification, 2010 in exercise of the power conferred upon the national irrigation commission limited by section 47 of the irrigation act, the following notification is hereby given, with the approval of the minister: ? 1. this notification may be cited
The Telecommunications ( Universal Service Levy) Order, 2011
notification of default. (5) the carrier-in-default?s right to withhold payment of any portion of the levy purportedly due in respect of a given month shall be limited to disputed amounts which equal or exceed five percent (5%) of the total levy (@ (®)
The Telecommunications ( Universal Service Levy) ( No. 2)) Order, 2011
notification (hereinafter called the ?notification of default?) within forty-eight hours of the due date of paynjent of the levy to the carrier alleged to be in default (hereinafter called the ?carrier-in-default?) that the levy has not been paid for a gi
The Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Marking of Bovine Animals) Regulations, 2015
notification of registrar of movement of bovine animals on to or off establishment. form b. first schedule. (c) ?the animal identification code listed in the bovine passport is different from the identification code on the ear tag which has been attached
The Factories Act - Employment
notifica- tion of accidents and indus- trial diseases. 68/1956 s. 14, | factories | of the minister and any such officer may prosecute or conduct such proceedings. | (2) in any action or other legal proceedings brought against any such officer in resp
The Factories Act - Employment
notifica- tion of accidents and indus- trial diseases. 68/1956 s. 14, | factories | of the minister and any such officer may prosecute or conduct such proceedings. | (2) in any action or other legal proceedings brought against any such officer in resp
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
notifica- tion roll made under this act comes into or passes persons out of the possession of any real property or of any part {gm'"8 of any real property the value of which is included in the passing said roll shall within three months of such change o