notification of default
Annex to Ministerial Order - ( Issued By The MInister of Commerce, Science and Technology Pursuant To Sections 38 and 39 of The Telecommunications Act, 2000)
notification of default?). if the carrier-in-default disagrees it will give written notice to the terminating carrier of the undisputed amount and make payment in respect of such amount within 24 hours of notification of default. if the carrier-in-default
The Telecommunications ( Universal Service Levy) Order, 2011
notification of default. (5) the carrier-in-default?s right to withhold payment of any portion of the levy purportedly due in respect of a given month shall be limited to disputed amounts which equal or exceed five percent (5%) of the total levy (@ (®)
The Telecommunications ( Universal Service Levy) ( No. 2)) Order, 2011
notification of default?) within forty-eight hours of the due date of paynjent of the levy to the carrier alleged to be in default (hereinafter called the ?carrier-in-default?) that the levy has not been paid for a given month or that the total amount of
The Telecommunications Act
notification of default") within forty-eight hours of the due date of payment of the levy to the carrier alleged to be in default (hereinafter called the "carrier-in-default") that the levy has not been paid for a given month or that the total amount of t
The Telecommunications Act
notification of default") within forty-eight hours of the due date of payment of the levy to the carrier alleged to be in default (hereinafter called the "carrier-in-default") that the levy has not been paid for a given month or that the total amount of t