nov. 24,2014
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] first ?carbon tetrachloride? means tetra chloromethane (cc1)); schedule. 4 ?cfc? means chlorofluorocarbons; ?controlled substances? means a substance listed in annex a, annex b, annex c or annex e to the montreal protocol, whether
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] proclamations, rules and regulations 472c prohibition on export of controlled substance. prohibition on export of controlled substance. first schedule. application for licence to import hcfc. third schedule. (3) sub-paragraph (2
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] first schedule. prohibition on impor- tation of methyl chloro- form except under licence. third schedule. (ii) has no intention of importing hcfc in the quantity comprising the portion of the annual quota allocation that is the sub
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] proclamations, rules and regulations 4721 miscellaneous records. 14?(1) where a license is granted under this order, the licensee shall keep a record of the licence granted for a period of no less than five years and all import trans
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014} - first schedule, contd. 12. jamaica ~~ 2 18 13 065 0.05 "public ) service limited 13. modern 26.52 23.868 17238 8.619 0.663 refrigeration limited 14. quality 17.69 15.921 11.498 ©5749 0442 distributors and manufacturing company li
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] second schedule (paragraph 3) prohibited equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons 1. domestic refrigerators and deep freezers. 2. industrial refrigeration units. 3. commercial refrigeration units, including display cabinets, bottle coolers a
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] third schedule, contd. form 1, contd. 5. contact information: telephone number/s fax no: email: 6. for the purposes of this appli- cation, specify a contact person within company, include name, address (if not at registered offi
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] third schedule, contd. form 2 the trade (montreal protocol) (control of trade in controlled substances) order, 2014 application for approval to transfer hcfc annual quota allocation (under paragraph 8) nb. please see notes
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] proclamations, rules and regulations 472s third schedule, contd. form 2, contd. 5. contact information: 6. for the purposes of this appli- telephone number/s. cation, specify a contact person fax no.: within company, include name
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] third schedule, contd. form 2, contd. 14. specify intended recipient(s) to whom transfer of allocation is to be made (attach letter from intended recipient(s) verifying willingness to accept transfer of a portion of applicant?s
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
nov. 24,2014] proclamations, rules and regulations . . 4720 third schedule, contd. cy form 3 thetradeact the trade (montreal protocol) (control of trade in controlled substances) order, 2014 application for importation of methyl chloroform o