november, 2004
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004
november, 2004. dated this 23rd day of june, 2004. lensley wolfe chief justice. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Moneylending (Exemption) National Development Foundation Of Jamaica Order, 2004
november, 2004. 2. loans or contracts entered into or security given for repayment thereof, being loans made by national development foundation of jamaica or contracts entered into thereby or security given thereto (respectively) within one (1) year from
The Parish Councils (St. Catherine And Westmoreland Parish Councils) (Appointment of Nomination Day) Notice,2004.
november, 2004, is hereby appointed as nomination day in respect of by-clections to fill the casual vacancies existing in the following divisions: - st. catherine, mount industry westmoreland, bethel town dated this 3rd day of november, 2004, portia si
The Moneylending (Exemption) (Niche Financing Limited) Order,2004.
november, 2004. 2. loans or contracts entered into or security given for repayment thereof, being loans made by niche financing limited or contracts entered into thereby or security given thereto (respectively) within one (1) year from the coming into
The St. Ann Bauxite Limited (Income Tax Direction) Order,2004
november, 2004, declared to be a recognized bauxite producer: and whereas the producer and the government entered into a formal agreement on the first day of october, 2004 which, among other things, provided a basis for calculating the income from the di
The Edna Manley College Of The Visual And Performing Arts Scheme (Approval) Order,2004
november, 2004. maxine henry-wilson minister of education youth and culture, no. g971/055 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
Licence-Instrument of Praise Ministries Limited
november, 2004. phillip paulwell minister of commerce, science and technology. no. 8/8/1304 no. 128 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that church of god 7th day pillar & ground of the truth limited which was duly re