o community college
The Census Order, 2011
o community college . o other tertiary o no 2.4) oo ted o yes no (go to q2.9) not sta o heart progra ?ask q 2,2 of persons 3-17 years only "9 | ojfll programme 2.2 how many days did yow/did ...... attend school during the o other (specify) 2? first week o
The Census Order, 2011
o community college (go to q2.7) ©o other tertiary (go to q2.7) qo other (specify) o none (go to section 3) o not stated (go to q2.7) 2.7 what is the highest examination that you have/that .... has passed? o none qo cxc basic, jhsc, jsc, jsce or 3
The Census Order, 2011
o community college o teacher's college, case o other tertiary (specify) o technical school o vocational/trade school o commercial/business college o police training school/jamaica police academy ©o jamaica defence force o apprenticeship ©o on the
The Statistics Act
o community college (go to 02.7) o other teniary (go ©q27 oother(specify)____ (gowwoan o none (go to.section 3) © not stated 2.7 what is the highest examination that you haveahat .... has passed? o none © cxc basic, jhsc. jsc. jsce or 3rd
The Statistics Act
o community college q teacher's college, case o other tertiary (specify), o technical school o vocational/trade school o commercial/business college o police training school/jamaica police academy o jamaica defence force © apprenticeship © on the