oath of allegiance
The Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 - Constitution
oath of allegiance ls do swear that 1 will be faithful and bear true allegiance to jamaica, that i will uphold and defend the constitution and the laws of jamaica and that 1 will conscientiously and impartially discharge my responsibilities to the people
The Jamaican Nationality Act - Citizenship and Nationality
oath of allegiance ly ceeererereer aire raster eases rbaese as rea ras aanaansnanaea se seearsy qo sweat that t will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty queen elizabeth ii, her heirs and successors according to law and that 1 will faithfu
No.36-The Oath of Allegiance and Judicial Oath (Constitutional Amendment)Act,2002.
oath of allegiance and stort tide judicial oath (constitutional amendment) act, 2002 and suction. shall be read and construed as one with the constitution of jamaica (hereinafter referred to as the constitution) and all amendments thereto.
No.36-The Oath of Allegiance and Judicial Oath (Constitutional Amendment)Act,2002.
oath of allegiance and judicial oath (constitutional amendment) act, 2002 cet ment 2. the first schedule to the constitution is amended? schedule to the con- (a) by deleting the oath of allegiance and substituting bei eo: therefor the following? = oat
The Jamaican Nationality Act
oath of allegiance shall be subscribed and attested in the form ereunder. oath of allegiance re treeeneteensatensaaee rat raear ren earhesaaisaninanesneatteany do swear that i wil be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty, queen elizabeth ii,