october 19
The Fair Competition (Notices and Procedures) Regulations, 2000
october 19, 2000 no. 87 465 no. 136 the fair competition act the fair competition (notices and procedures) regulations, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the commission by section 52 of the fair competition act and with the approval of the
The Pesticides (Amendment) (NO.2) Regulations,2004.
october 19, 2004 no. 77a no. 106a the pesticides act the pesticides (amendment) (no. 2) regulations, 2004 in exercise of the power conferred upon the pesticides control authority by section 16 of the pesticides act, the following regulations are hereb
Licence-Hands Across Jamaica For Righteousness Limited
october 19, 2004 no.77b no. 106b the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that hands across jamaica for righteousness limited which was duly registered on the 13th november, 1994 as a limited liability company is formed
The Urban Renewal (Approved Developer) (Restaurants Of Jamaica Limited) Order,2004
october 19, 2004 no. 77c no. 106d the urban renewal (tax relief) act the urban renewal (approved developer) (restaurants of jamaica limited) order, 2004 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by subsection (1) of section 4 of the u
The Deportation ( Oxanna Perrira Diaz) Order, 2005
october 19, 2005 no. 78a no. 128a the aliens act the deportation (oxanna perrira diaz) order, 2005 whereas the resident magistrate in the resident magistrate's court for the parish of saint james has certified to the minister that the alien oxann
The Approved Hotel Extension(Breezes Runaway Bay) Order, 2006
october 19, 2006 no. 103 no. 198 the hotels (incentives) act the approved hotel extension (breezes runaway bay) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 4 of the hotels (incentives) act, the following order is h
The Approved Hotel Enterprise (Rooms Ocho Rios Hotel) Order, 2006
october 19, 20066 no. 104 no. 199 the hotels (incentives) act the approved hotel enterprise (rooms ocho rios hotel) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 3 of the hotels (incentives) act, the following order
The Aliens (Special Restrictions) (Winston George Graham o/c Linden Winston George Graham) Order, 2007
october 19, 2007 no. 105 no. 215 the aliens act the aliens (special restrictions) (winston george graham o/c linden winston george graham) order, 2007 whereas pursuant to section 15(6) (d) of the aliens act, the deportation (winston george graham
The Income Tax (Approved Farmer ) Order, 2007
october 19, 2007 no. 105a no. 215a the income tax act the income tax (approved farmer) order, 2007 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by subsection (1) of section 36d of the income tax act, the following order is hereby made: ?
The National Health Services (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2007
october 19, 2007 no. 105b no. 2158 the national health services act the national health services (fees) (amendment) regulations, 2007 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 13 of the national health services act, and of e
The Aliens (Special Restrictions) (Winston George Graham o/c Linden Winston George Graham) Order, 2007
october 19, 2007 no. 105 no. 215 the aliens act the aliens (special restrictions) (winston george graham o/c linden winston george graham) order, 2007 whereas pursuant to section 15(6) (d) of the aliens act, the deportation (winston george graham
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Fellowship, Portland) Order, 2013
october 19 jvan atkinson survey wes mecr. the names of these whe the grounds of ob:ection none oppeared eliher persenally or by their the grounds of th riorssure?s dorivion. instructions and morks on
The Housing Scheme Part of Darliston, Westmoreland Housing Area, Order, 2015
october 19, 2015 no. 129 no. 165 the housing act act 55 of 1968 the housing scheme part of darliston, westmoreland housing area, order, 2015. in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister of section 4(1) of the housing act, and every oth
The Companies Act - Licence
october 19, 2017 no. 75 no. 160 the companies act licence whereas ithas been proved to the minister that mayeltha & gwendolyn foundation limited, which was duly registered on the 16th january, 2017 as a limited liability company, is formed for th
The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Williamsfield in the Parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0339/2019
october 19, 2017 the dames hell those who | clevelond lewis the grounds of objections to the survey if any. or by oa representatives the grounds of the surveyors moke ond no. of instrument. date of last instrument check