october, 1934
The Registration of Business Names Act - Companies and Associations
october, 1934.] 1. this act may be cited as the registration of business names act. 2.~?(1) in this act? ?business? includes profession; ?business name? means thc name or style under which any business is carried on, whether in partnership or other- wi
The Registration of Business Names Act - Companies and Associations
october, 1934, any person may inspect the documents filed by the registrar on payment of such fee as may be prescribed for each inspection; and any person may require a certificate of the registration of any firm or person, or a copy of or extract from an
The Registration of Business Names Act - Companies and Associations
october, 1934 and subject to sub- section (2), every individual and firm required by this act to be registered shall, in all trade catalogues, trade circulars, show cards, and business letters, on or in which the business name appears and which are issued
The Nursing Homes Registration Act
october, 1934) 1. these regulations may be cited as the nursing homes registra- tion regulations, 1934. 2. in these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires? ?keeper of a nursing home? means any person who carries on a nursing home as defined
The Registration of Business Names Act
october, 1934) 1. these rules may be cited as the registration of business names rules, 1934 1a. in these rules ?registrar? means the registrar of companies as provided in section 17 of the act. 2. whenever any change is made or occurs in the proprieto