october, 1977
The Municipal Service Commission Act - Local Government
october, 1977, these regula. tons other than regulation 10 shall not apply to any weekly-paid person in the municipal service whether or not the person was in the municipal service before that date. 3.1) pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of the ac
The Parish Councils (Unified Service) Act - Local Government
october, 1977, these regula- tions other than regulation 11 shall not apply to any weekly-paid em- ployee of a parish council whether or not the employee was in the service of a parish council before that date. 3. every existing officer shall elect withi
The Transfer Tax Act
october, 1977) 1. these regulations may be cited as the transfer tax (declaration of secrecy) regulations, 1977. 2. the declaration required to be made in respect of the maintenance of secrecy under section 37 of the act shall be on the form set out in