The Custos Rotulorum Act
office of custos. eligibility for appointment as custos. disqualifications for appointment as custos. the office of custos, when becomes vacant. filing of vacancy. custos shall be deemed to vacate office. removal from office of custos. resignation. cus
17_2011- The Custos Rotulorum Act
office of custos rotulorum. the date notified by the minister | bringing the act into operation be it enacted by the queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaica, and by the aut
17_2011- The Custos Rotulorum Act
office of custos shall become vacant? (a) ifthe custos resigns from the office; (b) ifthe custos? appointment is terminated. 9.?(1) where a vacancy arises in an office of custos, the governor-general may, acting on the advice of the prime minister, appoi