opening hours of establishments
The Emergency Powers (Specified Areas in the Parish of St. Andrew) (Opening Hours of Establishments) Order, 2019
opening hours of establishments) order, 2019 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister of national security by regulation 37 of the emergency powers (no. 2) regulations, 2019 (the minister, being an authorized person as defined by regulation 2
The Emergency Powers (Specified Areas in the Parish of St. Andrew) (Opening Hours of Establishments) (Amendment) Order, 2019
opening hours of establishments) (amendment) order, 2019 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister of national security by regulation 37 of the emergency powers (no. 2) regulations, 2019 (the minister, being an authorized person as defined by
The Emergency Powers (Specified Areas in the Parish of St. Andrew) (Opening Hours of Establishments) (Temporary Amendment) Order, 2019
opening hours of establishments) (temporary amendment) order, 2019 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister of national security by regulation 37 of the emergency powers (no. 3) regulations, 2019 (the minister being an authorized person as d