Delegation of Certain Functions of the Jamaica Racing Commission
operations stewards save and except for the purpose of concluding the hearing of any investigation which prior to the date of this instrument coming into effect had been commenced by them or by a quorum of them pursuant to the delegation dated the 21st da
Delegation of Certain Functions of the Jamaica Racing Commission
operations stewards save and except for the purpose of concluding the hearing of any investigation which prior to the date of this instrument coming into effect had been commenced by them or by a quorum of them pursuant to the delegation dated the 14th da
The Civil Aviation (Unruly Passengers) Directives, 2002
operator? means an operator who is issued a certificate under regulation 6 of the civil aviation (air navigation) regulations, 1995. 2. these directives apply in respect of all persons on board any aircraft that is? (a) authorized for the carriage of twe
The Civil Aviation (Unruly Passengers) Directives, 2002
operator in pursuance of the provisions of paragraph 5, the air operator shall furnish the authority with a copy of the report referred to in paragraph 4, within seventy-two hours of taking such action. 7. where a person who commits an act of unruliness
The Approved Organizations and Authorities Loans (Government Guarantee) (Remission of Tax, Duty or Fee) (The National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited) Order, 2002
operating and constructing company limited) order, 2002 whereas loan capital not exceeding an aggregate principal amount of three thousand five hundred and fifty two million dollars ($3,552.000.000.00 has been raised by the national road operating and co
The Toll Roads (Designation of Highway 2000 Phase 1) Order, 2002
operation, improvement or financing of the toll road, to enjoy the rights conferred in the order to demand, collect and retain toll in respect of the use of the road: and whereas section 8(2) of the act provides that no road shall be designated as a toll
The Toll Roads (Designation of Highway 2000 Phase 1) Order, 2002
operation and improvement of the toll road designated in this order: and whereas the minister is satisfied that there is an alternative route accessible to the public by vehicular or other traffic: now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred upo
The Corruption (Prevention) Regulations, 2002
operations customs administrator customs officer 4 customs officer 3 customs officer 2 customs officer 1 revenue collection officer assessing officer customs and excise assistant 4 customs and excise assistant 3 customs and excise assistant 2 warehouseman
The Corruption (Prevention) Regulations, 2002
operator valuation surveyor stamper valuer 2 valuer 1 assessor revenue agent 2 revenue agent 1 senior assessor assistant assessor senior special investigator special investigator senior intelligence officer intelligence officer senior tax auditor
The Securities (Licensing and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
operate central securities depository no. of licence. ...viiriveeieierireiiii ieee cies this licence querotizes ....vivvevveveeveiverieetereetesee see seeieees sis srese ste ts era sba shes steerer staat saben nan ea sens of eee ehee ee eee tbe eee eee
Licence - Operation Save Jamaica Limited
operation save jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 22nd november, 1999 as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 20 of the companies act, and that it
The Corruption (Prevention) Regulations, 2002
operations manager assessor assistant commissioner, customs customs /excise officer export branch manager invoice inspector customs inspector senior customs officer director queens warehouse entry examiner collector of customs excise inspector ex
The Toll Roads Act-The Highway 2000 (Part Of Phase 1) Toll Order,2003.
operating and constructing company limited, a limited liability company incorporated under the companies act, (hereinafter referred to as ?the grantor?) to? (a) design, finance, construct, maintain, operate and improve the toll road; and (b) levy, collec